Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt Ltd is India’s one of the largest vegetable Seeds Producers & Marketer Seed Company.
We are serving our Farmer's community with our quality Onion, Okra, Maize, and other vegetable seeds in the north India Region.
We are having the world’s best Sales Team and we are connecting with small-to-small villages to build our more than 5000 Dealers & Distributors Network.
In onion, our top 5 varieties are Ellora Nandi 210, Ellora Poona Phursungi, Ellora China King & Ellora Gulabi these onion verities are the lifeline of farmers in the overall Indian market and our all Ellora farmers are satisfied with our quality and after-sales services.
In Okra, our top 5 varieties are Ellora Sukanya 1016, Ellora Gauri 5960, Ellora Priyanka 2526 & Ellora Jaya 1314. These okra varieties give a lot of benefits to farmers while increasing their income and overall economic condition.
We already started a new journey with the Maize segment with the top 3 varieties which are Ellora Kranti 56, Commando 1112 & Ellora Virat 12
We are also selling Gourds, Melons, Beans & Chili Varieties as per the climatic condition of our country.
Please reach us contact us for any information on products of ENSPL- 7768005383.