Welcome to Ellora Natural Seed Pvt Ltd, a leading agricultural product company dedicated to revolutionizing the way we cultivate, protect, and sustain our food sources. With a deep-rooted passion for agriculture and a commitment to innovation. We Focus on research and development, production, and processing of seeds for farmers in India. Established in 2011, ENSPL is a pioneer of high-quality hybrid seeds. It also emphasizes how will help farmer friends more by using the latest technology and researching new seeds.
Today ENSPL has emerged as a global face in the domestic and foreign agricultural markets farmers and growers worldwide with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve exceptional yields and foster sustainable farming practices.
We value integrity, transparency, and customer satisfaction. We prioritize building strong relationships with our customers, understanding their unique requirements, and delivering the best products that drive their success.
Our vision is for agriculture to be a force for good in the world, providing sustainable food and fuel for a growing population while protecting the health of the planet.
To provide sufficient and quality seeds to the entire world. To strengthen the ploughing hands with innovative techniques and technologies.
We adopt TQM (Total Quality Management) with our own inner inspiration for highest quality standards, at every stage from seed production to ultimate / end user of seed i.e. farmer, we take due care of quality as well as timely distribution and after sale services of our products
Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt Ltd is one of the largest Seed producers. grower, developer & seller in the Indian seed industry is headed under the chairmanship of Mr B. B. Thombare. Our chairman is already efficiently & successfully handling ' Natural Sugar & Allied Industries (N-Sai). Under his brilliant & Extraordinary managing skills & Guidance N - Sai has achieved a milestone turnover of around 1000 Cr. N-Sai is successfully operating in the Sugar Industry, Steel Plant, Cogeneration, Distillery, Dairy & Such many other Products. Our chairman is deeply involved in the Agricultural sectors & allied industries and in concurrence with our Mr. Kishor Tatasaheb Veer (M. Sc. Agri), (G. P. B.) The managing director has started a new era in the Seed Business by establishing Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
He started ENSPL with a very broad mission to supply sufficient & quality seeds for the entire farming Community. ENSPL provides innovative products & technologies in Onion Seed. Okra Seed, Gourd Seeds/other vegetable crops & field crops like maize. Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt. Ltd. is R & D driven Seed company and it is in-house R & D is accredited with DSIR (Department of Scientific & Industrial Research Govt. of India), and New Delhi ENSPL has one of the best laboratories set up. We have several R & D stations across the country depending upon the climatic zones of India. ENSPL has Crop wise & State wise Production centres across the country. ENSPL has the biggest infrastructure for storage at Galleborgaon Tq. Khultabad Dist. Aurangabad. & at MIDC Latur in the state of Maharashtra & Patoda - Gangapur - Nehavi Aurangabad All R & D farms, Warehouses & supply points are well connected by roads & transports. ENSPL has a PAN India presence. We have been doing successful business across 22 States of India and are now ready to take a global platform.
Dear All,
We have started ENSPL with a very broad mission to supply sufficient & quality seeds for the entire farming Community. ENSPL provides innovative products & technologies in Onion Seed. Okra Seed, other vegetable crops seeds & field crops seeds like maize. Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt. Ltd. is R & D R&D-driven seed company and has in-house R&D accredited with DSIR (Department of Scientific & Industrial Research Govt. of India) New Delhi. ENSPL has one of the best research & development laboratories set up. We have several R & D stations across the country depending upon the climatic zones of India. ENSPL has Crop wise & State wise Production centers across the country. ENSPL has the biggest infrastructure for storage at Galleborgaon Tq. Khultabad, Dist. Chh. Sambhajinagar in the state of Maharashtra also at Patoda - Gangapur – Nehari, Chh. Sambhajinagar. All R&D farms, Warehouses & supply points are well connected by roads & transport. ENSPL has a PAN India presence. We have been doing successful business across all over major States of India and are now ready to take a global platform.
If you are looking for full-fledged services in Seed production, Distribution & after-sale services then please consider Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt. Ltd as your best choice. I think you will be impressed not only with the breadth of our marketing and creative services but also with the depth of our knowledge and experiences in Agriculture. We understand well that farmers need to get more from every acre of land, every drop of water & every unit of energy. Our commitments & efforts help farmers succeed and in turn, help transform their lives, strengthening Indian agriculture & rural communities. We endeavor to improve farmers' lives by bridging the gap between their needs & resources. We believe in the uniqueness of each & every product, timely distribution & after-sales services which will provide complete customer satisfaction. We know well our client base represents an almost unbroken chain of Seed Breeders, Producers, Growers and Traders. We bring a sound business strategy to every Grower, Producer, and Dealer & Distributor with innovative products, research & technology. Ellora Natural Seeds Pvt Ltd endeavors to boost crop productivity through its advanced research in Onion, Okra, Gourds, Legumes, and other vegetable crops & in maize crops. We would like to have the opportunity to do all this for you...!
Excellency Award by Agrowon.
Felicitated in India Seed Congress.
Governing body member of IMAT Institute of Maharashtra Agricultural & Technologist.
Special Invitee member in SIAM (Seed Industries Association of Maharashtra).